
Body Care

Olivastu has a huge range of hemp body care products. You can try out the bath bomb by Doctor Green that is infused with CBD. It is perfect to end your stressful day in a bathtub. CBD infused bath bombs are great to relax your body. You can also try out their range of Tattoo Butter that helps in healing your tattoo very smoothly and enhances the entire process. 

These products have zero THC and are made up of organic CBD. Since CBD has relaxing and calming effects, it is perfect for a stressful day. Cannadom Premium manufactures cannabis flavoured condoms to add a dash of excitement to your intimate moment with your partner. These are made up of natural latex and are 100% safe to use.

We have a range of NKD products like Beard oil infused with CBD. They are curated especially for your beard growth and give a luxurious effect on your beard. Thermabalm by 365 CBD is another great product to soothe sore muscles. CBD helps with joint and muscle pains. It is great for people dealing with body pain.

These body care products help you get relaxed and calm your mind. Get these amazing CBD products at!

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